Vyasa Sabha: Degree College

13th July 2011

Topic : Janlokpal Bill and Civil Society Agitation: on overview.

To understand all the facets of the Janlokpal Bill,  historical overview of Janlokpal Bill was taken. Comparison of draft of Civil Society and Government was presented. Janlokpal Bill in the context of law was discussed. Chances of mal practices were pointed out.


22nd July 2011

Topic: Janlokpal Bill and Civil Society Agitation

The topic of 13th July 2011 "Janlokpal Bill and Civil Society Agitation" was kept for open discussion. Some of the views are,
Prime Minister should not be included under Janlokpal, Lokayukta will take care. The reasons behind Lokpal is failuar of  system. So system should be changed. There is a need of mass movement we should change ourselves, our mentality. There should be transparency in the Janlokpal Bill. Lokpal is extra judiciary remedy. We cannot escape judiciary.

29th July 2011

Topic: Credit Based Evaluation System: Pros and Cons

It is students friendly not teacher friendly. Teacher will have to be on their toes students will do compulsory and regular study. It is helpful to increase confidence in the students and overall development Interactive skills will develop.
Arts students cannot stand in this system because of their socioeconomic background  Number of students will shrink. Students will opt for Distance Education.
This system should have been implemented in the next year. Teachers should be properly oriented.
We should prepare ourselves for this charge for this change.

5th August 2011

Topic: Teachers as mentors

The term is used in 1916. Mentor basically is an  advisor, care taker. Students need assistance, motivation, counseling. This is possible through mentorship. We can build confidence among the students. For that teachers should reach to the level of students. Human touch is necessary. We must allow the students to open up with someone. General format for mentorship was discussed and decided to be followed in the class.

12th August 2011

Topic: Declining Sex ratio in India

In the year 2011 sex ration is in creased. But child sex ratio which is equally an important concept in development is showing a declining trend. Change in social attitude through education will change obsession for a male child. There are biological,  social, religious reasons behind declining sex ration in India. Mass – scale awareness and orientation of the public is required to be done through media, schools, colleges and other institutes.



7th November, 2009


English dept. of the college organized a parents meeting on 7th November, 2009 in college auditorium. The aim of the meeting was to get acquainted with the teachers and the educative  environment of the college. The parents of SY/TYBA students attended the meeting in large numbers. The meeting started at 11.30a.m. with the speech of head of Dept. Prof.  Kharate. He explained the departmental activities conducted throughout the year. Principal of the college Dr. (Mrs.) Singh presided over the program and spoke to the audience on this occasion. The parents were told to communicate their emotions and problems being faced by their wards. The parents expressed their happiness and satisfaction about the way the dept. is functioning. They also filled feedback forms of the dept. and the college. All teachers of the dept. were present on this occasion.

Vyas sabha  

13th November, 2009

Topic : Responsibilities of Media

The entire discussion centered around the role of media and ethics of media.  Media is rightly referred to as the platform for delivering information and idea to a sizeable and diversified audience. It may be through news papers, radio, television or any other source.

Media plays a very important role in socio-economic development of the country. Before 1947 it was a source of revolutionary reforms. It also leads to mass education and also fulfills the needs of intellectuals. We depend on media for factuality. It is a major source of entertainment and recreation.

Some of the measures to make our media effective and responsible are.

  • Media should be free from any kind of pressure.
  • Positive achievements should be highlighted.
  • Some censorship on news should be laid down.
  • Issues relevant to society must be highlighted
  • Bring back quality programmes
  • Promote communal harmony
  • Uphold the unity and integrity of the country 


Topic: Is there a need for Shivaji’s Memorial in the Arabian Sea ?

Every country’s culture, history, constitution is known by some famous personalities. Our country also has a rich heritage.
Maharashtra has been blessed with a heritage of saints,fearless leaders and reformers. All these great people have helped to mould and strengthen our society.
Society must carry in the good work started by our early reformers and leaders and add value to it.
Every country builds monuments and statues of their past leaders as a mark of respect, so that their good deeds are remembered and passed on to the next generation.
In the light of the above, our government has also decided to build a monument of Shivaji Maharaj in the Arabian Sea. Many of us must be wondering whether our generation values the teachings imbibed from this Great Maratha King.
The estimated cost of this big statue is almost Rs. 300 cr. Do we need to spend this much amount on this ? Are there any alternatives to remember this great person in a true way ?
Both positive and negative aspects were discussed.
Although expensive, one should not ignore the fact that the Shivaji’s memorial would make Mumbai a popular tourist centre attracting tourists all over the world.
The timing of the memorial just before the elections, the timing of the announcement of the decision to build the memorial and the populist agenda behind it came in for criticism.  
Spending crores of rupees for constructing a monument was not a good idea. Instead the same amount should be diverted for some constructive work for the development of Maharashtra. More urgent issues should be tackled first. Protection of western coastline should be given priority. The pollution related problems as a result of building the memorial should not be ignored. Moreover the government should consider the CRZ rule while finalizing the location of the statue.      


2. 09/07/2009

Topic : Budget

- The talk on Budget was preceded by explanation of few Sanskrit verses by Dr. Mugdha Kulkarni

-Prof. Tokekar spoke about the Budget from political point of view with the help of a Power Point Presentation
The points discussed were:
· Highlights of Budget
· Principles of Budget
· Budget making procedure
· Preparation of estimates
· Enactment of Budget and
· Observations of Budget.

- Prof. Bhide spoke about the Budget from economic angle with the help of Power Point Presentation.

The points discussed were:

· Meaning of Budget
· Components of Budget
· Approaches to Budget
· Various concepts of Deficits.
· Analysis with respect to Indian economy

1. 26/06/2009

Topic : Election duty - my experience

- The discussion started with some of the features of general Election held in April - May 2009. The following features were highlighted:
· 8070 candidates contested for the election for 543 Lok Sabha seats.
· Total no of voters were 714 milion.
· The total no of polling stations were 8,28,804 in 2009.
· The estimated cost of this election was Rs. 10,000 Cr.
· To conduct the elections on such a large scale, 47 Lakh polling staff was appointed, 4 million civilians and 2.1 million security. Further both negative and positive aspects of election duty were discussed.

-Various problems related to election duty were highlighted. The noted problems were shortage of manpower, complicated paper work and wastage of time, bogus proofs, election work clash with paper assessment and problems related to remuneration. Various suggestions such as considering age and health related problems while allocating election work, avoid allocating election duty to the teachers engaged in exam work and handling training sessions to teachers.

- However one thing that everyone appreciated and was proud was the fact that the election was highly successful and they were a part of this grand democratic unparalleled exercise which was carried out in the most fair and secured manner.