Jr. College : Vyasa Sabha

3rd Dec. 2011
Sub: why leaders are violently attacked?


The members of Vyas Sabha discussed the following reason:
People are so apathetic about voting so the proper candidates are reducing from the parliament. Creating terror of one’s own organization is another reason. Sometimes it seems as if it is a kind of publicity stunt.
Either the government is not able to take right decision or they fail to convey people about the importance of the decision. Sometimes proper feedback is not taken from the government or they are rather insensitive about the public feelings. As a result, the common man, who is waiting for some change in the system, is forced to cope up with it. Finally, out of frustration common man resort to violence. Inflation making life difficult and day to day tensions, lead to such a violent reaction.
And possible solution can, philosophically, be quoted that is ‘I am think, I can wait and I can fast.  



17th Dec. 2011
Topic : Foreign Direct Investment in Retail Business

This is to report that the Vyas Sabha of junior college conducted on 7th dec.2011 was successful. All the teachers actively  participated  in discussion and gave different opinions some teachers were in favour of FDI in Retailing where as few  against the same.
The points discussed were :

  • Present Retail Market is 3.3% and if FDI in retail marketing is allowed then Foreign Investors will capture 51% of  Indian Market.

  • Small Retailers will have to suffer because of this change in Retail Marketing

  • Many personal examples were given by teachers.

  • Example of china



13th September 11

Topic: Indian Cultural Heritage

The Indian Culture Heritage Committee held an inaugural programme on 13th September 2011. Students of XI and XII gave the importance and meaning of the Ganapati Atharvashirsha. The meaning of the Atharvashirsha was told  in Marathi and English. This was followed by a recitation of the Athervashirsha by twelve students. In the end Prin. Dr. (Mrs.) Shakuntala A. Singh  addressed the students and also asked the students to give their opinions about the programme.


3. 29th July, 2009

Topic: View on Delhi High Court's decision on Sec. 377.

Vyas sabha (Jr. College) conducted a discussion in the staff room the subject was 'View on Delhi High Court's decision on Sec. 377.'
The discussion was controversial. The subject was discussed from various points of view, social, legal, cultural, Ethical, Ms. Sonawane Trupti maintained that by the high court has de-criminalised the relationship. This mean that this is not criminal act. It does not imply that the court is for or is against. It has only legalised and neutralised the act.
At the end of discussion it was concluded that this decision of High court on sec. 377 should be studied from the social, ethical, legal and medical point of view.
All the teachers of Jr. college was participated with principal Dr. S.A. Singh and vice principal Mrs. G.P. Tirmare .
The vyas sabha ended with the chairperson Ms. Trupti Sonawane thanking the teachers.