College Level Programmes

26/7/2010  to 30/7/2010

  • Disaster Management Workshop :

NSS unit of our college in collaboration with TMC organized 5 day Disaster Management Programme in our college. 15 N.S.S. volunteers participated in the Programme in which training session were conducted by the trained personnel from the TMC Disaster Management Section.



  • Independence Day :

 N.S.S. unit of our college participated in the Independence Day Programme celebrated in the college campus.


  • Celebration Sadbhavana Divas :

On the occasion of our late Prime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi’s birth anniversery we celebrated Sadbhavana Divas in our college. Many students along with the N.S.S. volunteers took the pledge for communal harmony, peace & unity. Our principal madam Dr. Shakuntala Singh gave the pledge to the students.