Extreme Nitrogen Fixer
Nitrogen fixation -- the process by which microbes convert molecular
nitrogen into more usable ammonia -- is essential to life. In a
Report in the 15 Dec 2006 Science, Mehta
and Baross described the isolation of a methane-producing archeon
from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent that fixes nitrogen at up to 92
degrees Celsius -- thus extending the upper temperature limit of
biological nitrogen fixation by some 28 degrees. Like other nitrogen-fixing
bacteria and archaea, the newly discovered organism uses a nitrogenase
enzyme to tap the vast reservoir of dissolved nitrogen gas present
in vent fluids. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the isolate
may be representative of some of the earliest lineages of nitrogen
fixation. Given the industrial utility of enzymes with high thermal
stability, the discovery may hold great biotechnological potential.
As noted in an accompanying Perspective
by D. G. Capone, it also has important implications for the extent
of life beneath the seafloor, which is likely to be limited by biologically
available nitrogen.
Science 15 December 2006:
Vol. 314. no. 5806, pp. 1783 - 1786
DOI: 10.1126/science.1134772
Nitrogen Fixation at 92°C by a Hydrothermal Vent Archaeon
Mausmi P. Mehta*
and John A. Baross
A methanogenic archaeon isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal
vent fluid was found to reduce N2 to NH3
at up to 92°C, which is 28°C higher than the current
upper temperature limit of biological nitrogen fixation.
The 16S ribosomal RNA gene of the hyperthermophilic
nitrogen fixer, designated FS406-22, was 99% similar
to that of non–nitrogen fixing Methanocaldococcus jannaschii
DSM 2661. At its optimal growth temperature of 90°C, FS406-22
incorporated 15N2 and expressed nifH
messenger RNA. This increase in the temperature limit
of nitrogen fixation could reveal a broader range of
conditions for life in the subseafloor biosphere and
other nitrogen-limited ecosystems than previously estimated.
School of Oceanography, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
Hydrothermal fluids venting from unsedimented deep-sea mid-ocean
ridges are low in nitrate and ammonia (1),
indicating that the microbial community inhabiting
the subseafloor (2)
may be limited by fixed nitrogen. Dissolved N2
is abundant in hydrothermal vent fluids (3),
and biological nitrogen fixation has been proposed to
explain the depleted 15N/14N ratios of low–trophic
level animals living around hydrothermal vents (4).
The nitrogenase enzyme complex, encoded by the nifHDK
genes, catalyzes nitrogen fixation, i.e., the reduction
of N2 to NH3. Although nifH genes
have been detected in hydrothermal vent fluid (5),
no microorganism isolated from deep-sea vents has,
to our knowledge, been reported to fix nitrogen. Awide
range of diverse bacteria, and the methanogenic archaea,
are diazotrophic, or capable of nitrogen fixation (6).
The subseafloor at mid-ocean ridges is bathed in reduced,
H2- and CO2-rich hydrothermal
fluid and thus provides an ideal habitat for methanogens,
strict anaerobes that produce methane as a by-product.
The methanogen Methanothermococcus thermolithotrophicus
is currently the most thermophilic microorganism known that
fixes nitrogen, at up to 64°C (7).
Synechococcus ecotypes from microbial mats also
fix nitrogen at up to 63.4°C (8).
Here we describe the isolation of a methanogen from deep-sea
hydrothermal vent fluid that fixes nitrogen at up to 92°C,
which extends the upper temperature limit of biological
nitrogen fixation by 28°C.
Axial volcano is located in the northeast Pacific, at the intersection
of the Cobb-Eikelberg hotspot and the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
The upper 100 m of oceanic crust beneath Axial seamount
is estimated to have high porosity (9,
and the diverse archaeal community associated with
its subseafloor includes thermophilic and hyperthermophilic
methanogens, with maximal growth rates from 45° to 80°C
and above 80°C, respectively (11).
During the 2004 New Millennium Observatory cruise to
Axial volcano, fluid exiting the subseafloor was sampled
from a diffuse vent named marker 113 (12).
The fluid, which was measured to be 23°C at the point
of sampling, was inoculated into a medium designed
to select for diazotrophs and incubated anaerobically
at 70° and 90°C. The enrichment cultures were positive
at both temperatures and transferred into an antibiotic-containing
medium to prevent the growth of bacteria. The amount
of fixed nitrogen in the medium was reduced over time
and then omitted completely (12).
The archaeal culture, named FS406-22, was capable of growth
from 58° to 92°C with N2 as the sole source of
nitrogen, in a medium containing marine salts and H2
plus CO2. Maximal growth occurred at 90°C,
and no growth was detected at 55° and 95°C (Fig. 1).
Agitation of the culture was necessary for growth on
N2, and clusters of two or more cocci were visible
by phase contrast microscopy during exponential growth.
To determine the identity of FS406-22, we sequenced
its 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene and found
it to be 99% identical to the 16S rRNA gene
from the methanogen Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (fig.
S1). M. jannaschii was isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal
vent chimney on the East Pacific Rise in a nitrogen-rich
medium, and grows in a temperature range of 50° to
86°C with an optimum near 85°C (13).
Our hydrothermal vent isolate FS406-22 produced methane,
determined by means of gas chromatography (GC). The
specific growth rate of FS406-22 grown with nitrate and
ammonium was 0.37 hour–1 at 90°C, which is lower
than the rate reported for M. jannaschii at 85°C,
which is 1.5 hour–1 (13).
Fig. 1. Growth rate
of FS406-22 grown with N2 as the sole source
of nitrogen, as a function of temperature. The specific
growth rate (µ) is the average of three determinations
of growth rate during exponential phase. Growth was
monitored by epifluorescence microscopy (12).
Larger Version of this Image (15K GIF file)]
The nifH gene, which encodes dinitrogenase reductase,
is highly conserved, and its phylogeny is mostly consistent
with that of the 16S rRNA gene. The nifD
and nifK genes encode a molybdenum-containing dinitrogenase
that together with dinitrogenase reductase constitutes the
nitrogenase enzyme complex. Cluster 2 of the nifH phylogenetic
tree (Fig. 2A)
includes molybdenum nitrogenases from methanogens, as
well as alternative iron- or vanadium-containing nitrogenases
from Methanosarcinales and bacteria (14).
Cluster 4 of the nifH phylogeny consists of
paralogous archaeal nitrogenases that are assumed not
to fix nitrogen.
Fig. 2. (A)
NifH amino acid phylogenetic tree constructed by quartet
puzzling maximum likelihood (12).
Cluster 2 includes molybdenum dinitrogenase reductases
from methanogens, as well as alternative vanadium
and iron-only dinitrogenase reductases (VnfH, AnfH)
from Methanosarcinales and bacteria. Cluster 4 includes
paralogous dinitrogenase reductases that are probably
not involved in nitrogen fixation. The scale bar indicates
the number of amino acid substitutions per site. The
tree is outgroup rooted with Plectonema boryanum
frxC, a dinitrogenase reductase–like protein involved
in the light-independent reduction of protochlorophyllide.
GenBank ID numbers for tree sequences are listed in
table S2, and the alignment is shown in fig. S2. (B)
Lanes 1 and 2: the product of RT-PCR with nifH
primers and 2 and 3 µl of RNA extracted from FS406-22
growing on N2 at 90°C; lane 3: RT-PCR without
RNA; lane 4: Hi-Lo DNA ladder; lane 5: nifH
PCR with 2 µl of RNA; lane 6: nifH PCR without
RNA. The product in lanes 1 and 2 lies between the
400- and 500-bp bands of the ladder. [View
Larger Version of this Image (49K GIF file)]
Hydrothermal vent isolate FS406-22 has two copies of the nifH
gene (Fig. 2A),
one similar to M. jannaschii's divergent copy (15)
and another related to the nifH from M. thermolithotrophicus
that is expressed at 64°C (16).
Some of the nifH sequences previously recovered
from deep-sea hydrothermal vent fluids (5)
are more similar to nifH1 from FS406-22 than from M.
thermolithotrophicus [Supporting Online Material
(SOM) Text]. While growing at 90°C, FS406-22 expresses
nifH1, which we determined by sequencing the
product of the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR) (Fig. 2B).
To confirm that FS406-22 fixes molecular nitrogen and
to estimate its rate of nitrogen fixation, we performed 15N2
tracer assays at 90°C by incubating the cultures with 15N2
and determining the nitrogen isotope ratios of the microbial
biomass with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (17).
The control culture without added 15N2
had a 15N of –4.86 per mil ( ) (versus air), or 0.36
atom %, which reflects the negative isotopic fractionation
that results from biological nitrogen fixation. The
experimental cultures had 15N values from 3650 to 4238
(versus air), or 1.68 to 1.89 atom %, and the estimated rate
of nitrogen fixation at 90°C by FS406-22 was 0.30 µmol N2
liter–1 hour–1 (12).
Although biological nitrogen fixation has often been
invoked to explain the low 15N values of deep-sea hydrothermal vent fauna
compared to nonvent fauna (18),
FS406-22 is the first microorganism isolated from the deep
sea reported to exhibit diazotrophy.
To further characterize the nif operon in FS406-22, we
designed PCR primers for nifD and sequenced
the region downstream of the nifH gene (Fig. 3).
The PII nitrogen sensor proteins, encoded by
nifI1 and nifI2, are responsible
for "ammonia switch-off" or posttranslational regulation
of nitrogenase in Methanococcus maripaludis
and were present in FS406-22. Two additional primers
designed for nifD as well as a primer designed for nifK,
based on those genes from M. thermolithotrophicus,
were not successful in FS406-22. A phylogenetic tree
of NifI1 and NifI2 proteins from
FS406-22 and other archaea is shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. (A)
The nif genes sequenced from FS406-22: nifH
(807 bp), nifI1 (318 bp),
nifI2 (387 bp), and nifD
(141 bp). (B) An unrooted NifI1
and NifI2 amino acid phylogenetic tree
determined by quartet puzzling maximum likelihood
(support values listed first) and by the distance-based
Fitch-Margoliash method (bootstrap values listed second).
The GlnB protein from M. maripaludis is displayed
as an outgroup. The maximum-likelihood branch lengths
are shown, and the scale bar indicates the number
of amino acid substitutions per site. GenBank ID numbers
for tree sequences are listed in table S3, and the
alignment is shown in fig. S3. [View
Larger Version of this Image (34K GIF file)]
Highly conserved genes such as 16S rRNA can differ by
less than 3%, whereas the prokaryotes they originate
from show much greater genomic and physiological variation
In the case of FS406-22 and M. jannaschii, whose
16 S rRNA genes diverge by only 1%, the former
contains a functional nif operon and fixes nitrogen,
whereas the latter does not. FS406-22 grown with N2
or fixed nitrogen can grow at 6°C hotter than M.
jannaschii, but the optimal growth rate of M.
jannaschii is four times as great as that of FS406-22.
To perform a rigorous comparison, however, one would
have to cultivate both organisms under identical conditions,
which we have not done. We also sequenced a 1550–base
pair (bp) region of the FS406-22 genome that included the
riboflavin synthase gene (ribC) and a putative
aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase gene (aor)
that was 85% similar to the same stretch of DNA in M.
jannaschii. The cluster 4 nifH2 from FS406-22 was 87%
similar to the only nifH from M. jannaschii
at the nucleotide level and 96% similar at the amino
acid level (Fig. 2A).
The revelation of a hyperthermophilic archaeal diazotroph may
have implications for the evolutionary history of nitrogenase.
Phylogenetic analysis of nitrogenase and chlorophyll iron
proteins suggests that an ancestral iron protein duplicated
and diverged into molybdenum and iron-only nitrogenases
(nifH and anfH) before the separation
of bacteria and methanogenic archaea (21).
Subsequently, ancient duplications of nifH gave
rise to the chlorophyll iron proteins, suggesting that
nitrogenase predates photosynthesis and the rise of
atmospheric oxygen (21).
Raymond et al. detail two scenarios for the
evolution of nitrogenase: that it was present in the
last universal common ancestor and then lost in many
lineages, or that it arose later within methanogenic archaea
and was laterally transferred into bacteria (22).
Given the lack of oxygen in the early Earth's atmosphere
and that nitrogenase is inactivated by O2,
the first nitrogenase probably arose in an anaerobe.
All methanogenic diazotrophs examined, and several anaerobic
bacteria like Chlorobium tepidum, Dehalococcoides ethenogenes,
Heliobacterium chlorum, Clostridium acetobutylicum,
and Desulfovibrio gigas, have the nifI1
and nifI2 genes (24).
In all of the archaeal operons, they are located between
nifH and nifD, and the NifI1 and
NifI2 proteins form a complex that binds directly to
dinitrogenase (19).
Because NifI1, NifI2 and GlnB/GlnK constitute
all three subfamilies of the PII nitrogen
sensor family (25),
the clusters provide a root for each other in an unrooted
tree containing all three (26).
Such phylogenetic analyses, as well as molecular evolutionary
studies of other nif genes, all place M. thermolithotrophicus
on a deep, basal branch (6,
The unrooted NifI1 and NifI2
phylogenetic tree in Fig.
3 shows that the FS406-22 and M. thermolithotrophicus
proteins form a deeply branching group that is basal
to all other archaeal proteins, including those from
alternative nitrogenases. However, the quartet puzzling support
and bootstrap values are not high enough to rule out alternative
topologies. The maximum-likelihood branch lengths in
Fig. 3
suggest that FS406-22 NifI1 and NifI2 are
the shortest distance to the internal node that represents
the ancestral PII protein. A recent reconstruction
of the tree of life with 31 universal gene families
supports the hypothesis that the last universal common
ancestor lived at high temperatures (29).
We propose that among diazotrophic archaea, the nitrogenase
from FS406-22 might have retained the most ancient characteristics,
possibly derived from a nitrogenase present in the last
common ancestor of modern life.
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- 30. We thank S. Bolton, D. Butterfield, W. Chadwick, the
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and R/V Thompson for sample collection and E. Olson
for performing GC work and assistance with 15N2
tracer assays. Washington Sea Grant (NA 76RG011 9) and the
NASA Astrobiology Institute, through the Carnegie Geophysical
Institute, supported this research. GenBank accession numbers
for FS406-22 sequences are EF079967 to EF079969