
Three types of accommodations are made available to the participants of the conference. They are:

  • Hotels: A hotel close to the venue of the conference has agreed to provide accommodation to a limited number of participants. The approximate charge per person per night would be Rs. 2,500 (Two thousand five hundred only) on a sharing basis including breakfast. The organizers would be pleased to book a room for you if you intimate in advance.  
  • Apartments: The conference organizers have negotiated with Aruba Homes that provides apartments for stay in the city of Thane. They have agreed to provide rooms on first come first served basis at the rate of Rs. 1,500 (Rupees fifteen hundred only) per person per night with sharing facility including breakfast.
  • Hostel: The conference organisers have arranged accommodation in a hostel of a research institute in Mumbai with modest facilities. The charges would be Rs. 400 (Rupees four hundred only) per person per night on a sharing basis including breakfast and transport to conference venue and back.

Participants who have already registered should write to the organizers communicating their choice of accommodation. Participants who wish to register should indicate their choice in the Registration Form. Based on the availability they would be sent confirmation with full address and contact number of the place of stay.