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VPM's Sou. A. K. Joshi English Medium School, Thane


Assembly plays vital role in the development of the students. We start with National Anthem, preamble, pledge, then our prayers follow according to days of the week students are prepared with great efforts for these prayers with table and harmonium.Teachers prepare different articles according to different subjects. All festivals,days we celebrate after the prayer.


It is said that nature is the best teacher. Different concepts related to natural phenomena may be difficult to comprehend so, with the motive of simplifying abstract concept, an innovative Geography laboratory was instituted in our school. Excellent provision has been made to show demonstrations related to the phases of the moon, eclipses, cycle of seasons etc. Various models of our solar system, different land forms, interior of the earth etc; maps related to various regions, weather-related instruments, rock samples etc are displayed and used on a regular basis. An array of history and geography related models and charts are exhibited during the annual school exhibition. Thus the geography lab not only clarifies concepts but also kindles interest in students minds about geography, astronomy and universe at large.


Our school laboratory is big enough to accommodate about 35 students at a time.The laboratory is well equipped with models, slides of micro-organisms and tissues electronic balance and other laboratory apparatus. Business have been installed on 24 tables. We are taking students in science lab right from I Std. onwards, so that they can get familiar with the apparatus and have hands on experience with them. Science exhibition is organized every year in the science laboratory.


We are very fortunate to have a mathematics laboratory in our school which fosters mathematical awareness, skill building, positive attitude and learning by doing experiences in different branches of mathematics. It was started with the intension that students can learn new and innovative concepts. The Maths lab is equipped with different models and teaching aids prepared by the students under the guidance of teachers, which makes the concepts easy. Thus our Maths lab provides an atmosphere of fun and ease, a sense of expectation and participation among the students.


Information and Communication Technology ICT is the integral part of the curriculum. The Computer Lab is adequately equipped with computers, scanners, color printers, OHP, and LCD. These peripherals augment the lab setups that provide opportunities for students to gain proficiency in computers. Internet Connectivity is also provided to students and staff teachers to assist them in seeking out information, creating multi-media content, collaborating on project work.


Technological innovations has enhanced teachers and students to make a teaching learning process a fun. Our school is blessed to have smart classrooms.The smart classrooms help the teacher to easily teach the most difficult concepts using graphics and animations from repository. Fame is easy to acquire but creating an impact is much more difficult. So we believe in creating an impact on the minds of students.


The auditorium which marks an important space in every school, lucky enough to have one i.e. Gargi auditorium which itself means a learned woman or Goddess Durga. It is used for all types of assembles like guest lectures, competitions, dramatic plays, art craft and science exhibitions, farewells and so on. For all events it is essential that everyone in the room listen , clearly and enjoyably everything that is presented. This is our goal of acoustically designed auditorium.


Our school has an excellent library containing at around 14000 books which are readily available to students. The library period being included in school timetable helps students to inculcate the good habit of reading right from a very young age. Students from K.G., Primary and secondary regularly visit our library.


Play is the key to physical, mental, intellectual and social well being of children. It impacts hugely on almost every developmental aspect of children’s lives holistically and with multifaceted ways. Young children spend a reasonable amount of time in school .Besides for many children school play time is the most active part of their day. Therefore school playground and school playtime are vitally important to children for their fun and relaxation as well as for their good health and well being. School playgrounds play important role in their daily life fulfilling their interest, development and learning is seen. Students with the leisure facilities makes education livelier and student friendly. We know that now a days every school is located in the community but still provides the best play area keeping all above features in mind.


A person’s future is determined by his conscious efforts in realizing and nurturing the innate talents and creativity in himself. Art teachers strive to bring out the creative potential among students. In the Art room, they are introduced to the world of art and given the freedom to express themselves in a colourful and joyous way. Students works of art are displayed during the Annual Art and craft Exhibition.


The primary responsibility of every school is to ensure a safe and secure environment for students,staff and visitors.Keeping this in mind the school has provided unique Identity card to each student and staff. By using this card electronic attendance alongwith SMS to the parents is ensured.Thus students can be tracked from the moment they enter the school till they leave the premises. Considering the security of the students, CCTV cameras are installed in the premises. Parents Identity card is additional feature of our security. Each parent is provided with identity card along with photo and information. Parents and Guardians are allowed to enter the premises only if they carry this Identity card. The school watchman / Guards are equally important for the safety of the students and staff. Trained class IV is appointed for the same. With all these facilities parents are assured that the ward is safe and secured in the school.

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